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Formulation and Optimization of the Seed Extracts of Glinus lotoides L. Tablets Using Surface Response Method

Y Tesfa
K Asres
T Gebre-Mariam


Tablets of the seed extracts of Glinus lotoides L. were prepared by direct compression using microcrystalline cellulose (MCC). A two-factor-two-level factorial was designed to investigate the combined effects on formulation variable (amount of MCC) and processing variable [compression force (CF)] on tablet properties; crushing strength (H), friability (Fr), and disintegration time (DT). From the results of multiple linear regression analysis, surface responses and contour plots were generated that demonstrated the effects of the independent variables on H, Fr and DT. The optimum combinations of the amount of MCC and CF were obtained by superimposing the contour diagram of tablet\'s H, Fr and DT. The resulting tablets were evaluated for hardness, Fr and DT. The optimum formulation of the tablets composed of the active crude extracts (348 mg), MCC (174 mg), Ac-Di-Sol® (26 mg), and talc (26 mg) were compressed approximately at 12 KN. H, Fr, and DT of the tablets consisting of the optimum formulation were 162 + 6.023N, 0.123% and
13.00 + 0.45 min, respectively.

Keywords: Glinus lotoides, optimum tablet formulation, direct compression, surface response, contour plot

Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Journal Vol. 24 (2) 2006: pp. 75-83

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1029-5933