Syed Mohammed Basheeruddin Asdaq
Krupanidhi College of Pharmacy, Sarjapur Road, Koramangala, Bangalore-560 034, India
Mohammed Naseeruddin Inamdar
Al-Ameen College of Pharmacy, Lal Bagh Road, Bangalore-560 027, India
Diperoxovanadate (DPV), a product of vanadate is gaining importance as a biologically active vanadium compound. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the chronotropic and inotropic activity of DPV using isolated rat heart and to determine the concentration at which it is toxic to the heart. The study was carried out using modified Langendorff\'s setup. DPV was injected at varying concentrations (from 10-9 to 10-4) either as bolus (0.1 ml) or the heart was perfused continuously with varying concentrations of DPV for 10 min. Low concentration of DPV did not produce any significant effect on chronotropy and on developed tension. However, as the dose of DPV was increased, tension developed and heart rate was enhanced to significant extent (P < 0.05) and both were found to be maximum at a dose of 10-7M. Further increase in DPV dose did not show either an increase in force or rate of contraction of heart but instead produced a relative decrease in both of these parameters when compared with the 10-7 M dose. When heart was perfused with a dose of 10-7 M DPV continuously for 10 min there was a significant increase in heart rate and developed tension (P < 0.01). It was also found that at a dose of 10-5M, DPV showed not only further increase in developed tension but also produced marked disturbances in the rhythm indicating cardiac toxicity. This was further confirmed by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity determination.
Keywords: diperoxovanadate, reperfusion, isolated rat heart, hydrogen peroxide, lactate dehydrogenase
Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Journal, vol. 22 (2004): 47-52