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Gluteal abscess caused by infected gouty panniculitis: a case report on sequalae of uncontrolled gout
Gouty panniculitis is uncommon manifestation of gout associated with monosodium urate (MSU) deposition into subcutaneous tissue. We report our local experience of this disease and its management strategy. Our patient was 39 years old gentleman, known to have gout who had not been compliant to follow up, presented with bilateral gluteal swellings for one month associated with discharge from the left gluteal swelling for 2 days. Clinical diagnosis of gluteal abscess with suspected infected gouty tophi was made. Wound debridement of infected left gluteal swelling was performed, followed by short course antibiotic therapy according to culture and sensitivity. Subsequently our rheumatology colleagues had assisted us with medical management of his gout, in which his right gluteal swelling did not get worsen and he remained well during our follow up.