The general objective of the study was assessing the currently running extension package program for agricultural development and to identify the multifaceted problems facing the use of agricultural inputs in the Wereda. The analysis and presentation of the study were madcr using primary and secondary data. The primary data was collected from 100 sampled holiseholds living in four peasant associations in the Wereda. The secondary data was obtained from different literatures and from various offices in the Amhara Regional State. S_ome non-parametric tests were computed to find out the relationships between the variables and the use of agricultural inputs. According to the analysis, education, farm size, number of oxen and price of output were found to be important variables affecting the use of inputs positively and significantly. Therefore, it is suggested that increasing the number of extension agents to increase contact between farmers and extension agents, expanding the use of complementary inputs, improving transport facilities to be efficient in input distribution and assisting relatively poor farmers to have pair of oxen to increase the agricultural production for sustainable development.