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Ethiopia’s National Dialogue: Analyzing its potential and challenges in achieving durable peace and nation-building

Yayew Genet Chekol
Zemenu Temesgen Ayalew
Getahun Kumie Antigegn


Dialogue is a contemporary mechanism for resolving conflicts by creating new contexts, refreshing insights and accommodating different dimensions of diversity. Ethiopia is striving to resolve a longstanding and shorter-term political-economy crisis through a national dialogue. This paper explores the potential contributions and challenges of the national dialogue in Ethiopia, as the country seeks to address its political and economic crises and pave the way for enduring peace and nation-building. By engaging in a qualitative analysis using key informant interview and secondary data sources, this study argues that national dialogue holds significant promise for nurturing peace-building efforts, particularly by addressing deep-rooted, intractable conflicts and curbing protracted social conflicts. Furthermore, through the creation of a "new social contract" based on a shared vision and a common national identity, a national dialogue can contribute to the broader process of nation-building. Despite its potential benefits, however, the national dialogue process faces several formidable challenges, including the ongoing conflict with insurgent groups, competing visions for the future, the withdrawal and boycott of the political elite, and the devastating consequences of the armed conflict in the north of the country. To overcome these obstacles, this paper proposes several measures, including the negotiation of peace agreements with insurgent groups, the establishment of transitional justice mechanisms, the promotion of stakeholder inclusivity and the reduction of positional dialogue. In conclusion, while the national dialogue process in Ethiopia is currently beset by several challenges, its potential contributions to peace-building and nation-building efforts cannot be overstated. By adopting a comprehensive and strategic approach that includes a range of measures aimed at promoting inclusivity and reducing conflict, Ethiopia can harness the power of national dialogue to build a more peaceful and cohesive society.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 3008-1041
print ISSN: 2518-4563