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Problems and achievements of the Ethiopian peacekeeping mission in Rwanda

Shimeles Lewoye
Shumet Sishagn
Tigab Bezie


The Transitional Government of Ethiopia deployed a battalion force in Rwanda under the mission of UNAMIR. This force deployed in the  south western part of Rwanda successfully accomplished its mission. Beyond the mandate authorized by the Security Council the  Ethiopian contingent in Rwanda participated in humanitarian support in their respective sector. However, problems emanating from internal problems of the battalion and the Ministry of National Defense, the situations in Rwanda, and the UN Headquarter and UNAMIR,  challenged the performance of the Ethiopian contingent. Therefore, this paper provides a short historical account on problems and  challenges of the Ethiopian peacekeeping contingent in Rwanda. Materials from the Ministry of National Defense of Ethiopia and the  digital archives of UNO were used in the preparation of this paper. In addition books and articles are used to fill the gaps of the archival  materials. Some veterans of the Rwanda mission have also been interviewed. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2518-4563