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Determinants of Modern Contraceptive Use among Women of Reproductive Age Living in Rural Areas in Awi Zone, Ethiopia

Fentaye Alemayehu Kebede
Amare Sewnet Minale


The use of modern contraceptives contributes to reducing population growth, saving mothers’ lives, preventing unwanted pregnancy, and unsafe abortions. The objective of the study is to assess factors affecting the use of modern contraceptives among married women of reproductive age. The study applied mixed research design. The sample population of the study is composed of 157 married women in the reproductive age living in three randomly selected rural kebeles. Data was collected through survey questionnaire, focus group discussion, in-depth and key-informant interviews, and the data was analyzed both by using descriptive and inferential techniques. The result has shown that the rate of women who were using modern contraceptive have decreased by 0.37 odds ratio for the age group 35-39 than age for group 40-44. The use of modern contraceptive methods by illiterate women has increased by a factor of 2.002 when compared to those who have elementary education. Hence, attention should be given to women education, improving economic status of women, raising community awareness of modern contraceptive methods facilitating peer and spousal discussion for the better use of modern contraceptive methods. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 3008-1041
print ISSN: 2518-4563