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Exploring targeted policies and institutional frameworks to address the problem of child streetism in Ethiopia

Bewunetu Zewude
Getnet Tadele
Kibur Engdawork
Samuel Assefa


Background: Child streetism has long become a major public concern in Ethiopia. With rapid urbanization and deepening social  problems, street children are likely to increase in the future. The establishment of targeted policies and institutional arrangements could  help provide a framework for viable interventions. This article aims to identify existing policy frameworks and institutional arrangements  targeting street children in Ethiopia.

Methods : Purposely selected child-focused and social protection-oriented policy frameworks were reviewed using a desk review method  between August and September 2023. Data were analyzed using content analysis.

Results: Though a comprehensive national policy  specifically targeting street children is lacking, varying levels of coverage has been given to the issue of child streetism directly or  indirectly in the existing national policies. Institutional arrangements established at all levels from the federal to kebele level are also in  place to facilitate the provision of social protection services for vulnerable children. There is discrepancy between rhetoric and practice:  despite the policies are designed based on human rights-based approach (HRBA), interventions targeting street children are often  guided by institutional approach. Non-governmental organizations play a dominant role in the provision of various services to street  children, while the role of the government in the implementation of the policies is limited.

Conclusion: The study indicated mismatch  between the principles that guided the establishment of the policy frameworks and their implementation. We suggest increased role of  the government in the implementation of the policies guided by the HRBA. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2519-0334
print ISSN: 2413-2640