The extent of our success with the entire continual clamour for pop music globalization has remained food for thought. This paper vividly elucidates the following: globalization, highlife music and the nature of Nigerian highlife music. This evaluation aims at averting biased opinions from jumping to further conclusions tantamount to overstatement on the subject matter .The point raised on the negative and positive effect of globalization on Nigerian highlife music is highlighted here to articulate the percentage of reward derivable from the said music. The enthusiasm for promoting Nigerian highlife music to the advantage of Nigerian masses is a matter of concern in this paper. When this is done, the public will become more familiar with the topic in question. Here, we consider globalization as an evolution systematically restructuring cosmopolitan interaction by frustrating all barriers in fields of human endeavour through communication network in all its ramifications. It is a process of advancing the world by increasingly interconnecting the entire cultural groups across the globes to every form of human affairs. Nigerian highlife music is one composed and performed to a large extent by a Nigerian by birth and enculturation. In summation, in the context of this paper, globalization influence on Nigerian highlife music has exposed the 'good and the ugly' contributions of the former towards the true position of the later. At this juncture, the researcher offers that highlife music artistes should play more central role in increasing artistic values for people oriented global music demand.