The study identifies the meaning of advertising and traced its earliest history in Nigeria. The study mentioned some of the new trends in advertising in Nigeria which include the practice of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC); which is the combination of various marketing communication techniques like advertising, public relations, publicity, sales promotions, events marketing, etc, in carrying out a promotional campaign. Other new trends include the setting of up of some independent media agencies and international affiliations by many ad agencies in Nigeria. The study identifies proliferation of adverising agencies as one of the challenges facing advertising in Nigeria. Other challenges include poor economy, poor purchasing power and lack of enough trained advertising professionals. However, advertising in Nigeria has come a long way and has achieved some developments. Despite this feat, ad practice in Nigeria still needs a lot of improvement to compete with other countries in terms of advertising. The study suggests that professionalism in advertising practice in Nigeria should be pursued with increased vigour. There should be proper monitoring of advertising in Nigeria. APCON should establish more offices nationwide to enhance their operations. There should be improved welfare packages by employers to reduce proliferation of and agencies.