The thrust of this paper is to highlight the role of Advertising, Publicity and Public Relations in Theatre Management in Nigeria. The paper notes that the usage of these marketing communication tools in theatre management can bring huge financial success to any organization. Using the National Theatre, Lagos and the Department of Theatre Arts and Mass Communication, University of Benin as examples, the study opines that media advertising is not properly patronized due to the huge cost. It is noticed that they depend more on the use of posters and publicity to market their productions and facilities. To curb this lapse, it is suggested that the National Theatre can enter into barter agreement with media houses that can use their facilities free and in return carry their media advertisement. Also an Integrated Marketing Department should be established; and they should be aggressive in their marketing. It is also suggested that the Department of Theatre Arts and Mass Communication, University of Benin, should strengthen its direct marketing tactics which is in form of carnival procession. It is noticed that it is no longer done with the usual verve and enthusiasm by the students. The paper finally suggests the combination of advertising, publicity and public relations, plus other marketing tools in the promotional activities of theatres in Nigeria. This will elicit more patronage and financial success.