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Pastoralist Women’s Roles, Livelihood Risks and Resilience among Borana Oromo, Southern Ethiopia
Pastoralist women’s active role in the household economy and livelihood diversification cannot be overestimated despite their marginal position in terms of access to basic health and education services, and decision making. This study is, therefore, aimed at exploring women’s livelihood risks, roles, and resilience among the Borana Oromo pastoralist community in the Yabello district of the Oromia National Regional State. The study employed a qualitative-ethnographic research method. Participants were selected purposively and data was collected using in-depth and key informant interviews, observation, and focus group discussions (FGDs). The study participants include pastoralist women, men, community elders, experts from Woreda sector offices and NGOs implementing projects in the study area. The field data was analyzed thematically and data quality has been maintained through triangulation, peer debriefing and presentation of the preliminary finding at a stakeholders’ workshop. The findings of the study showed that pastoralist women play a key role in the socioeconomic, political and cultural lives of Borana Oromo parallel with experiencing challenges related to poverty and job burden. The coping strategies include engagement in self-help social support systems, sharing tasks during difficult times, the moral incentive, courage and motivation they earn from the communities. Borana women also have opportunities for getting primacy, such as their engagement in petty trade, women empowerment activities of local organizations, and promising prospects of supportive policy in education and healthcare services. The study recommends research on strengthening indigenous community practices in support of women.