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A feminist reading of contemporary Ethiopian novel in English: Gebeyehu Ayele’s Escape (2011) in focus

Mesfin Wodajo Woldemariam


The aim of this research is to analyze the representation of women in contemporary Ethiopian novels written in English focusing on Gebeyehu Ayele’s novel ‘Escape’ (2011). This research is qualitative which uses a method of textual analysis. The novel has been selected because it entertains a subject that lends itself to a feminist analysis.  The analysis was made based on a socialist feminist approach to literature. The analysis of the study shows that the novel depicts women in two ways. On the one hand, women characters such as Mulu’s mother are portrayed as submitting themselves to patriarchal subjugation because of their economic dependency on their husbands and considering themselves as beings weaker than men because they were socialized to believe that was the wish of God. On the other hand, the major character of the novel named Mulu is portrayed as a strong woman devoted to changing the patriarchal culture of the society that denies women rights and freedom because she had access to education unlike her mother. Mulu, both ideally and practically, opposes the patriarchal custom of the society. Moreover, young male characters such as Dres and Dagne also support the freedom of women.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2518-2919