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Seasonal Variation of Intestinal Parasitic Infections among HIV-Positive Patients in Benin City, Nigeria
METHODS: Stool specimens from 2000 HIV-positive patients and 500 controls (HIV-negative individuals) were examined for ova, cysts or parasites using standard procedures.
RESULTS: More intestinal parasitic infections were observed in the rainy season (17.6%) than the dry season (12.3%) (OR = 1.526, 95% CI = 1.184, 1.967, p = 0.0013). Male patients (18.3) had more episodes of intestinal parasitic infections than their female (13.7) counterparts (OR = 1.403, 95% CI = 1.092, 1.803, p = 0.0096).
CONCLUSION: Cryptosporidium species and Strongyloides stercoralis were the only parasitic agents that were associated with rainy season.
Keywords: Season, Intestinal Parasites, HIV
Ethiop J Health Sci. Vol. 21, No. 3 November 2011