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Indoor Air Bacterial Load and Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of Isolates in Operating Rooms and Surgical Wards at Jimma University Specialized Hospital, Southwest Ethiopia
METHODS: A cross sectional study was conducted to measure indoor air microbial quality of operating rooms and surgical wards from October to January 2009/2010 on 108 indoor air samples collected in twelve rounds using purposive sampling technique by Settle Plate Method (Passive Air Sampling following 1/1/1 Schedule). Sample processing and antimicrobial susceptibility testing were done following standard bacteriological techniques. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 16 and interpreted according to scientifically determined baseline values initially suggested by Fisher.
RESULTS: The mean aerobic colony counts obtained in OR-1(46cfu/hr) and OR-2(28cfu/hr) was far beyond the set 5-8cfu/hr acceptable standards for passive room. Similarly the highest mean aerobic colony counts of 465cfu/hr and 461cfu/hr were observed in Female room-1 and room-2 respectively when compared to the acceptable range of 250-450cfu/hr. In this study only 3 isolates of S. pyogenes and 48 isolates of S. aureus were identified. Over 66% of S. aureus was identified in Critical Zone of Operating rooms. All isolates of S .aureus showed 100% and 82.8% resistance to methicillin and ampicillin respectively.
CONCLUSION: Higher degree of aerobic bacterial load was measured from operating rooms’ and surgical wards’ indoor air. Reducing foot trafficking, improving the ventilation system and routine cleaning has to be made to maintain the aerobic bacteria load with in optimal level.
KEYWORDS: Indoor air, hospital environment, surgical site infection, Southwest Ethiopia