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Feasibility and safety of concomitant laparoscopic cholecystectomy and sleeve gastrectomy: A retrospective study

Helmy Ezzat El Gendy
Hosam Eldin Hamed Hamed Asar
Mohamed Mostafa Mohamed Abuzeid


Background: Obesity increases the risk of developing gallstones, and this risk is further heightened by the rapid weight loss caused by bariatric surgery.
Aim: to evaluate the practicality with security of doing laparoscopic cholecystectomy and sleeve gastrectomy.
Patients and methods: Retrospective cohort research performed on forty-four consecutive cases who presented to Gastrointestinal Surgery Centre of Mansoura University during the period from August 2011 to August 2021.
Results: None of the cases underwent conversion to open surgery, there was no intraoperative haemorrhage, there was no detected biliary injury, and blood loss was below a hundred milliliters in 95.5%. The median of hospitalization was two days, the postoperative recovery passed smoothly in most of the study population, 4.5% underwent subsequent exploration, one case had postoperative internal bleeding, and one case had gastric leakage from site of first staple. One case had postoperative subcutaneous collection, there was no port site infection, and no mortality.
Conclusion: We concluded from this study that concomitant laparoscopic cholecystectomy and sleeve gastrectomy might be provided for cases with gallbladder disease as it can yield enhanced cosmetic outcomes and less postoperative discomfort and none of the cases underwent conversion to open surgery.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2090-7125
print ISSN: 1687-2002