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Microneedling as a Mode of Delivery of Topical Medications: A Comprehensive Review

Sara Mahmoud Fahmi
Ahmed Mohamed Hamed
Nader Nasr Nazmy


Background: Microneedling has emerged as a promising technique for transdermal drug delivery, offering a minimally invasive method  to enhance the permeation of topical medications. Despite its increasing application in dermatological treatments, comprehensive  reviews of its mechanisms, advantages, and therapeutic uses are scarce.

Objective: This review aimed to provide a comprehensive  overview of microneedling as a mode of delivery for topical medications, encompassing its mechanism of action, advantages,  disadvantages, and applications in cosmetic and therapeutic delivery.

Methods: An extensive literature search was conducted across  multiple databases, including PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science, to identify studies related to microneedling and its applications in  drug delivery. The review focused on articles published in the last two decades. Documents in languages other than English were  disqualified due to lack of translation-related sources.

Conclusion: Microneedling represents a versatile and effective method for  transdermal drug delivery, with a wide range of applications in both cosmetic and therapeutic contexts. Ongoing research and  technological advancements are expected to further enhance its efficacy and safety, solidifying its role in modern dermatological  treatments. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2090-7125
print ISSN: 1687-2002