This study sought to assess the knowledge, attitude and perceptions of the residents of Kadhodeki village on the health risks posed by the Kadhodeki dumpsite. Using households as units of sampling, a descriptive cross sectional survey was carried out in June 2012. Random data were collected using a face-to-face researcher administered structured questionnaire and 323 participants were interviewed. Chi square was used to determine the association between the different variables. Findings indicate that residents possess a significantly low knowledge and a positive attitude (χ2 (1) = 224.03, p < 0.01; χ2 (1) = 8.697, p < 0.01) towards the Kadhodeki dumpsite. They were however no differences in risk perceptions. Participant’s age, duration one had lived in the village and their level of education, were proxy measures of knowledge, attitude and perception. Odds ratio analysis indicates that age and duration did not influence participant’s knowledge, attitude or perceptions. Rudimentary however, education accounted for a non significant 28% variation in respondents’ attitude towards the health risks of the dumpsite (OR= 1.282; CI 0.828- 1.997). Also adequate education significantly accounted for 67% variation in respondents’ health risk perception (OR= 1.671; CI 1.304-2.140). This study would recommend that the ministry of Health come up with health education programmes for the general population on the dangers of uncontrolled waste disposal sites.