This study examines spatial pattern and organization of intra-urban trips in Ogun State, Nigeria. Data on intra-urban travels for various purposes were collected from 2,100 households in 14 selected urban centres through questionnaire survey. The percentage distribution technique was used to establish the aggregate proportion of intra-urban trips to different land uses on weekdays and weekends’ basis. The variation in intra-urban trips for different purposes was examined using analysis of variance while interrelationships between the trips were examined through correlation technique. Intra-urban trips are generated for work, school, religious, recreation, shopping, social and others [errands, pleasure visit, etc].Work and school trips dominate with 34 and 35% of aggregate trips respectively. Religious trips follow with 14% while other trip types feature in lower proportion: shopping [7%], social [4.12%], recreation [3%] and others [2%]. Trips for different purposes are positively correlated (r≥0.9, P≤0.01) although significant variation exists in their number for different purposes across the cities. (F=4.142, P≤0.01). About 90% and 95% of work and school trips respectively in each urban centre are generated on week days .About 66% of recreation trips, 84% of religious trips 96% of social trips and over 50% of trips categorized as others are generated on weekends in different urban centres. Shopping trips feature remarkably across weekdays and weekends. There is high positive relationship between weekday and weekend trips (r=0.99, P≤0.01). The study recommends the need to closely monitor the relative location of work and educational land uses in relation to residences in an attempt to manage intra-urban commuting on weekdays. The detail characteristics of recreation, religious, and social trips are recommended for effective management of intra-urban trips on weekends. Interdependent nature of intra-urban trips calls for holistic approach to general intra-urban trips planning.
Key Words: Intra-urban trips, urban trips organization, trip generation, trip planning, weekend trips, weekday trips.