This study examined the knowledge levels of extension agents and their perceived impact of climate change on extension service provision in Ghana. Specifically, it examined awareness levels of agents on the causes, effects and methods for mitigating climate change. It also determined their perceived impact of climate on extension service delivery. A structured questionnaire was used to elicit information from a sample size of 192 respondents from 10 regions in Ghana who were randomly selected. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentages, mean, and standard deviation. Data was further analysed qualitatively by content analysis given the prevalent use of Likert type scale analyses. The findings showed that majority of the respondents were males within the age range of 40 to 49 years, married with above 15years work experience in extension service provision. They possessed high awareness of the concept - climate change, and need for farmers to be exposed to new technology. The study concluded that extension workers have to be abreast of innovations in agriculture and there is a need for incorporation of meteorological information in extension messages to farmers. It was recommended that extension agents should embrace a more innovative and participatory approaches of providing services.