Ethiopian Journal of Education and Sciences 2025-03-27T08:05:19+00:00 Prof. Ketema Bacha Open Journal Systems <p>The <em>Ethiopian Journal of Education and Sciences</em> focuses on publishing articles relating to education and sciences. It publishes original research findings, experiments, action research, case studies, brief communications, and review articles in the fields of education and sciences. The objective is to create forum for researchers in education and sciences.</p> <p>Please see <a title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a>&nbsp;for more information</p> School feeding program: nutritional composition of school meals, nutritional status of schoolchildren and WASH facilities: the case of a Primary School, Arada sub-city, Addis Ababa, 2021 2025-03-27T06:54:31+00:00 Mulunesh Abebe Mogessie Ashenafi <p>The establishment of the school feeding program in all primary schools in Addis Ababa in 2020 fed a large number of schoolchildren and&nbsp; adolescents. It may contribute to food and nutritional security of schoolchildren if its safety, nutritiousness and dietary energy adequacy&nbsp; is guaranteed. This prompted the study to assess the nutritional adequacy of school meals to schoolchildren, the nutritional status of schoolchildren, and the status of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) facilities in the school premises. Meals were weighed and their&nbsp; nutritional content was determined based on Food Composition Table for Use in Ethiopia. Data on WASH were collected using structured&nbsp; questionnaires and by repeated visits. School meals mainly consisted of food products made from cereals and legumes. About 91%) of&nbsp; the schoolchildren were beneficiaries of the School Feeding Program. School meals provided from 45% to 60% of calories required by&nbsp; schoolgirls and 35% to 60% of that required by schoolboys of all age groups. Protein content of school meals, however, satisfied the daily requirement of proteins for both sexes under the age of 13 years. A considerable proportion of schoolchildren and adolescents suffered&nbsp; from thinness (38%), undernutrition (17%) and underweight (51%). The majority of respondent (78.6%) washed their hands with soap and&nbsp; water because of obligatory Covid-19 precautions. Personal hygiene practice among all respondents and WASH facilities in the&nbsp; school premises was acceptable.&nbsp;</p> 2025-03-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 The Strategic Leadership Practices in Public Higher Education Institutions of Ethiopia: Evidences from Jimma University 2025-03-27T07:01:55+00:00 Mebratu Tafesse Teferi Desalegn Beyene <p>The purpose of the study was to describe the strategic leadership practices in public higher education institutions of Ethiopia, evidences&nbsp; being from Jimma University. A concurrent mixed methods research design was employed. Departments, colleges and instructors were&nbsp; randomly selected whereas academic leaders were purposely included. Questionnaire, semi -structured interview and document review&nbsp; were used to gather data. Frequency counts, percentages and chi square tests were used for the data analysis. Based on the analysis, it&nbsp; was found that the vision, mission and strategies were not well communicated and shared, core values were not well internalized and&nbsp; reflected in the day-to-day activities of employees; strategies were not periodically reviewed. Moreover, it was found that there was weak participation of employees in the formulation of the strategic plan. Furthermore, lack of commitment, ineffective communication,&nbsp; inadequate human and financial resources and absence of accountability were found to be the major challenges to the strategic&nbsp; leadership practices. From the findings, it could be concluded that common understanding and a feeling of ownership were not&nbsp; sufficiently created regarding the vision, mission, goals and strategies of the university with its implication on the effectiveness of&nbsp; strategic leadership practice. Therefore, Jimma University is advised to organize series of workshops and trainings at different levels (to&nbsp; create adequate awareness, consensus and improve employees commitment); conduct continuous monitoring, periodic evaluation and&nbsp; develop clear feedback system; and the leadership pay adequate attention in ensuring the effectiveness of strategic leadership and the&nbsp; provision of adequate resource to support strategic leadership practice.&nbsp;</p> 2025-03-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Floristic composition, diversity and richness of selected Forest patches in Wombera district, Benshangul Gumuz Regional State, Ethiopia 2025-03-27T07:34:52+00:00 Girma Gudesho Zerihun Woldu <p>Floristic composition, diversity and community types of six forest patches in three agro-ecologies (higher, middle and lower) were studied&nbsp; in Wombera district, Benishangul Gumuz Regional State. Transect lines were laid 300m apart along altitudinal gradients; and&nbsp; plots were laid every 150m along the transect lines. Cover-abundance, height, DBH of woody plant species, and landscape variables were&nbsp; recorded in 142 (20× 20m) main plots. Seedlings and saplings were collected from five 5 × 5 m plots nested inside 20 × 20 m plots: four at&nbsp; corners and one in the center. Herbs and grass were collected from 1 × 1 m plots that were nested inside of 5 × 5 m plots, four at corners&nbsp; and one in center. Shannon diversity and Evenness indices were used to compute Floristic diversity and evenness. The Multivariate tool of&nbsp; R package (ver. 3.4.3) was used for community analysis. A total of 375 species representing 90 families and 70 genera were recorded&nbsp; from 142 plots in six forest patches within three agro-ecologies, of which 144 species were identified in higher altitudes, representing 52&nbsp; families dominated by Asteraceae, Poaceae, Fabaceae, and Polygonaceae. In middle attitude, 115 species representing 49 families&nbsp; dominated by Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Poaceae, and Moraceae were identified. A total of 123 species were identified at lower altitudes,&nbsp; which represented 45 families, dominated by Fabaceae, Poaceae, and Combretaceae. The hierarchical classification analysis identified six communities, named after two or more indicator species. The plant communities are assembled by altitudinal gradients.&nbsp;</p> 2025-03-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials Measurement of Mineral soil in South-East of Ethiopia 2025-03-27T07:47:09+00:00 Teklemariam Tessema Teklemariam Milkesa Gebeyehu Abreham Alemu <p>This experimental research was designed to determine the concentration of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) in samples&nbsp; of mineral soil being used by people as a free choice mineral for cattle feed in South West Shoa Zone of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia,&nbsp; particularly around Woliso (Latitude: 8° 24' 59.99" N; Longitude: 38° 14' 60.00" E), and to calculate the parameters connected to radiation&nbsp; hazard due to the mineral. Measurement of the natural radioactivity was performed by gamma spectrometry consisting of 3x3 inch&nbsp; NaI(Tl) detector, multichannel analyzer and associated electronics equipped with software MAESTRO and WINSPAN. The average values&nbsp; of activity concentration in the investigated samples for <sup>40</sup>K, <sup>226</sup>Ra and<sup> 232</sup>Th, respectively, were 458.78±3.40, 24.82±0.38 and 67.45±0.12&nbsp; in Bq Kg<sup>-1</sup> . This data showed that the risk of radiation from the mineral soil, locally called “Hora, and used as a free choice mineral, is&nbsp; below the limit set in literature with External and internal index level values found below one, ( Hex and Hin &lt; 1). It could be concluded&nbsp; that the current practice associated with the use of „Hora‟ minerals will not expose the public to A radiation risk.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> 2025-03-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Determinants of Instructor’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Use in Higher Education: A Scoping Review 2025-03-27T07:52:53+00:00 Bekalu Ferede Tefera Adula Bekele Hunde <p>Information and communication technology (ICT) has the potential to improve the quality of and access to higher education. With this&nbsp; understanding, many higher education institutions in both developed and developing countries have invested huge money to expand ICT infrastructures. Despite considerable investment, ICT as a tool for promoting learning is not generally well used for teaching and learning&nbsp; purposes in Higher Education (HE). This scoping review, therefore, aims at investigating determinants of instructors’&nbsp; educational use of ICT in higher education. In this study, 31 studies published in different international journals were reviewed to identify&nbsp; major determinants of ICT use by instructors. The review showed that institutional characteristics (policy and regulation, reward and&nbsp; motivation, infrastructure, funding, support, and professional development), individual characteristics (ICT perception, ICT attitude, ICT&nbsp; competence and time of instructors) and pedagogic factors (instructor’s pedagogic understanding and belief, and pedagogic support)&nbsp; are major determinants of instructor’s educational use of ICT. There is also evidence in this review that researches in African HE and the&nbsp; rest of the world differ in their focus areas. The findings from African HE show that institutional factors are the most widely reported determinants of ICT use by instructors in higher education. Finally, it is recommended that future studies should focus on a quantitative&nbsp; explanation of the complex interplay between these determinants and ICT use. Future studies should also focus on identifying determinants with strong predictive power to develop a tailor-made and at the same time efficent model of ICT use in higher education.&nbsp;</p> 2025-03-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025