The intent of this survey study was to assess the use of L1 (in this case Amharic) in the English classrooms in Bahir Dar General Elementary Schools. In the study, five grade eight English teachers and 78 grade eight students participated in the study. Data were gathered through classroom observations, questionnaires and interview. T he classroom observations were recorded and transcribed. The data gathered through the questionnaires and the tape recorded lessons were analyzed using frequency and percentage, while those collected through interview and open-ended items of the questionnaires were qualitatively discussed in integration with others. The study revealed that both teachers and students have positive attitude towards the use of Amharic language in the English classroom. The study further indicated that four of the teachers (80%) and 48 students (61.5%) preferred to use Amharic ‘sometimes’. But, teachers’ classroom practice disclosed over-use of Amharic. Finally, it was recommended that teachers be given proper training in workshops, seminars etc. in relation to ‘how’, 'when', and 'what for' they should use L1 in the L2 classroom.