The objectives of the study are to know whether play therapy can facilitate the selfhealing process, to improve the academic performance, increase the attentive level, and to ensure self-confidence and esteem of children under difficult circumstances. Data for this study were the case works of the researcher (for about two years), as a play therapist and Clinical Supervisor. Pre- and post-therapy measures using the SDQ (The Goodman’s Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire-a standardized instrument) were obtained from 17 children (9 females and 8 males) and analyzed. The study used quantitative data as its major source of information even though there were some qualitative data obtained from the direct observation of the children, focus group discussions and interviews with counsellors, social workers, teachers and caregivers. The results of the study revealed that there was a statistically significant difference between Pre-SDQ and Post-SDQ results showing a reliable improvement of the conditions of the children due to play therapy. That is, matched t-test indicate d that the scores difference is statistically significant: t (16) =13.94, p<0.05. Moreover, qualitative data from direct observation of the children, focus group discussions and interview results obtained from counsellors, social workers, teachers and caregivers have supplemented the above quantitative results. Ideas for future interventions were presented and implications about the well being of the children were discussed.