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Pragmatic Constraints, Affecting the Teacher Efficacy in Ethiopia - An Analytical Comparison with India.

SB Rao
S Shewamare


Ethiopia has been quite successful at expanding enrollment in education, especially at the lower levels. But for any given level of efficiency, increased enrollments require optimal utilization of the resources, particularly pertaining to the proper planning and policies in order to maintain quality. If this is not forth coming, the increase in educated input may come at the expense of quality. Is desired quality achieved? Is there a quantity–quality trade off and what public policies can alleviate it? India\'s experiences pertaining to Teacher Education Policies may be of relevance to this regard. With this perspective, a careful review has been made to draw the attention of planners and teacher educators of Ethiopia to a fundamental question related to the eminence of teacher education and the alternative paradigm to this regard has been suggested with a pragmatic approach so as to translate policy to practice.

Ethiopian Journal of Education and Sciences Vol. 3 (2) 2008: pp. 81-97

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 1998-8907