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Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials Measurement of Mineral soil in South-East of Ethiopia

Teklemariam Tessema Teklemariam
Milkesa Gebeyehu
Abreham Alemu


This experimental research was designed to determine the concentration of naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) in samples  of mineral soil being used by people as a free choice mineral for cattle feed in South West Shoa Zone of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia,  particularly around Woliso (Latitude: 8° 24' 59.99" N; Longitude: 38° 14' 60.00" E), and to calculate the parameters connected to radiation  hazard due to the mineral. Measurement of the natural radioactivity was performed by gamma spectrometry consisting of 3x3 inch  NaI(Tl) detector, multichannel analyzer and associated electronics equipped with software MAESTRO and WINSPAN. The average values  of activity concentration in the investigated samples for 40K, 226Ra and 232Th, respectively, were 458.78±3.40, 24.82±0.38 and 67.45±0.12  in Bq Kg-1 . This data showed that the risk of radiation from the mineral soil, locally called “Hora, and used as a free choice mineral, is  below the limit set in literature with External and internal index level values found below one, ( Hex and Hin < 1). It could be concluded  that the current practice associated with the use of „Hora‟ minerals will not expose the public to A radiation risk.  

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 1998-8907