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The Strategic Leadership Practices in Public Higher Education Institutions of Ethiopia: Evidences from Jimma University
The purpose of the study was to describe the strategic leadership practices in public higher education institutions of Ethiopia, evidences being from Jimma University. A concurrent mixed methods research design was employed. Departments, colleges and instructors were randomly selected whereas academic leaders were purposely included. Questionnaire, semi -structured interview and document review were used to gather data. Frequency counts, percentages and chi square tests were used for the data analysis. Based on the analysis, it was found that the vision, mission and strategies were not well communicated and shared, core values were not well internalized and reflected in the day-to-day activities of employees; strategies were not periodically reviewed. Moreover, it was found that there was weak participation of employees in the formulation of the strategic plan. Furthermore, lack of commitment, ineffective communication, inadequate human and financial resources and absence of accountability were found to be the major challenges to the strategic leadership practices. From the findings, it could be concluded that common understanding and a feeling of ownership were not sufficiently created regarding the vision, mission, goals and strategies of the university with its implication on the effectiveness of strategic leadership practice. Therefore, Jimma University is advised to organize series of workshops and trainings at different levels (to create adequate awareness, consensus and improve employees commitment); conduct continuous monitoring, periodic evaluation and develop clear feedback system; and the leadership pay adequate attention in ensuring the effectiveness of strategic leadership and the provision of adequate resource to support strategic leadership practice.