The main purpose of this study was to examine the current status of action research conducted by teachers in government secondary schools of Addis Ababa. A descriptive survey design was used to conduct the study. Data for the study was collected from 281 sample respondents drawn from three general secondary and two preparatory schools in five sub-cities in the capital using a questionnaire. Simple percentages, average mean ratings, t-tests and one-way ANOVA were used to analyze the data. Finally, the study disclosed that the current status of action research conducted in government secondary schools was found to be very low i.e. 0.26 per teacher. The study further unveiled different factors that hamper teachers from conducting action research. Finally it was concluded that teachers’ action research in government secondary schools was a function of both schools’ and teachers’ related problems. Hence, policy makers must pay due attention to strategies aimed at improving these bottlenecks so as to enhance teachers’ engagement in action research in government secondary schools.