Ethiopian Journal of Education and Sciences (EJES) is a scholarly journal published by the College of Natural Sciences of Jimma University, Ethiopia.

Focus and Scope: The Journal focuses on publishing original (full-length) research findings, short communications, and review articles in the fields of sciences and education.

Open (online) submission at:

Indexed in AJOL at:

Peer Review Process: A manuscript is given to two relevant professionals for peer review and the author is communicated through the Editor-in-chief (EIC), Associate editor-in-chief (AEIC), or Managing Editor (ME) for the incorporation of the comment of the reviewers. The peer-review system of the journal is mainly bounded by the Jimma University Research, Publication and Consultancy guideline, modified to our suit. For details on editorial and review workflow, kindly refer to the following link ( ),

Publication Frequency: Twice a year

General: The Ethiopian Journal of Education and Sciences (EJES) publishes Original (Full length), Short communications, and Review articles. Authors should strictly adhere to the styles and formats provided below when organizing their manuscripts for submission. Good language use, referencing styles (both in-text citation and reference listing), proper use of punctuations and all other editorial issues should be strictly respected.

All Types of Manuscripts
Use either American or British English but be consistent throughout; do not mix up the two styles.

Font type: Times New Roman; Line spacing: Single spacing throughout; Paragraph: Single column throughout

Page limit: Max. 25 pages for Full-length and Review Paper manuscripts; and Max. 10 pages for Short Communication. The page limit covers the abstract and body of the manuscript along with figures and tables.

Tables and Figures: should be placed in their appropriate places within the manuscript with appropriate heading and legend arranged according to their sequential appearance indicated by Arabic numerals (such as 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.), not by Roman numerals (I, II, III, IV, etc.).

Referencing Style
Referred or quoted materials must be acknowledged appropriately; plagiarism is illegal and unethical. A direct quotation should be exact and as short as possible. The in-text citation must follow APA style ( For journal articles: Authors' last names followed by the year of publication, title, journal name, volume number (and issue No, if any), and inclusive page numbers. For Standard books: Authors' last names followed by the year of publication, the title of the book, publisher. For Book chapters: Authors last names followed by the year of publication, the title of the chapter, In editors last names (eds.), the title of the book (page range of the chapter in the book), publisher. The following examples should help somehow:

Journal Articles

Hanna, K. (2007). Adsorption of aromatic carboxylate compounds on the surface of synthesized iron oxide-coated sands. Applied Geochemistry, 22(9), 2045-2053.

Wakgari, L., & Bidu, D.F. (2019). Exploring challenges and opportunities in revitalizing Gadaa at Odaa Doggi, Iluu Abbaa Boor Zone of Oromiyaa Regional State, Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Education and Sciences, 15(1), 82-101

Bacha, K., Mehari, T., & Ashenafi, M. (2010). Antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Wakalim, a traditional Ethiopian fermented sausage. Journal of Food Safety, 30, 213-223

Journal article: No author
The pain of being a caffeine freak. (2001, October 6). New Scientist, 172(2311), 27.

Books (with no chapters)
Lampert, W., & Sommer, U. (2007). Limnoecology: The ecology of lakes and rivers. Oxford University Press Inc.

Rosenthal, R., Rosnow, R. L., & Rubin, D. B. (2000). Contrasts and effect sizes in behavioral research: A correlational approach. Cambridge University Press.

Book chapters
Friese, C., Hofmann, W., & Wanke, M. (2003). The impulsive consumer: Predicting consumer behavior with implicit reaction time measures. In M. Wanke (Ed.), Social psychology of consumer behavior (pp. 335-364). Psychology Press.

Hemingway, E. (1999). The killers. In: J. Updike & K. Kenison (Eds.). The best American short stories of the century (pp.78-80). Houghton Mifflin.

Article in an Encyclopaedia
Ford-Martin, P. (2003). Cognitive-behavioral therapy. In E. Thackery & M. Harris (Eds.), Gale encyclopedia of mental disorders (Vol. 1, pp. 226-228). Gale.

Article in an Encyclopaedia: No author
Mental disorders and their treatment. (1987). In The new encyclopaedia Britannica (5th ed., Vol. 23, pp. 956-975). Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Original (Full-length) & Short Communication
A full-length article is a much more thorough, in-depth study that includes more than one result while a short communication aims at establishing one single result or short finding or technique that is of general interest to the audience. Both the Full-length and Short Communication manuscripts should follow a similar format that consists of Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Result, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgment, References. Do not number the headings; instead, use bold fonts for the headings. Note: under special cases when it is not possible to treat results and discussion sections separately, it is possible to combine the two-section as "Result and Discussion".

Title page: Title, author(s) name(s), affiliation(s) [Institution name, Address, Authors email addresses indicated using number superscripts], Email address of a corresponding author indicated using an asterisk (*); Abstract: Max. 250 words; comprising all major sections of a typical manuscript; do not use italic font for Abstract except for scientific names; at the end of Abstract include 5-6 keywords arranged in alphabetic order and separated with semicolon (;) not with comma (,); Introduction: a brief review of pertinent information with a defined purpose of the study, i.e. a concise background and literature review of the study that clearly justifies the problem of the study (i.e. statement of the problem) and defines the objectives of the research; Materials and Methods: basic methods followed in conducting a survey or experimental research (e.g. study site, sample or data collection, sample analysis, data analysis, and statistical tools, ethical issues, etc. as appropriate to the specific research); for mathematics manuscripts, instead of Materials and Methods, Mathematical Formulation (e.g. formulation or description of numerical method, model formulation, stability and convergence analysis, existence and uniqueness of the solution, mathematical procedures, etc.) can be used; Results: Should present the major findings of the study in text, tables, figures of only important observations; not more than seven tables and figures; Discussion: elaborates and analyzes important aspects of the study relating it to other relevant studies and the implications; Conclusion: summarizes the conclusion based on the major findings followed by statements of recommendation (if any); Acknowledgments: Must be brief and short (include the source of funding, and people with contributions to the study but do not constitute authorship); References: Exhaustive list of sources cited in the text by strictly following the standard reference writing style presented above.

Review Articles
Simple Review Articles should follow the format Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Major topics and Subtopics, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, References. Please note that you do not write the term "Major topics and Subtopics" as a heading, rather it is a part where you bring the various topics and subtopics of your review into play.

Systematic Review articles should have the following basic sections: Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, References. In the Introduction section, critically synthesize the background information and literature for the problem addressed; describe the rationale for the review in the context of what is already known and not yet known. In the Objectives section, state what objective the systematic review intends to achieve. Under the Methods section, state article search strategy, including inclusion and exclusion criteria and screening procedures, list databases, and other information sources used to identify relevant studies. In the Results section, provide the number of studies screened, assessed for eligibility, and included in the review, with reasons for exclusions at each stage using a flow diagram (as deemed appropriate), present the main results of the review. If meta-analyses are included in the review, include for each, confidence intervals, and measures of consistency. In the Discussion section, provide a general interpretation of the results in the context of other evidence and implications for future research. In the Conclusion section, summarize the main findings, including the strength of evidence for each main outcome, any research directions or gaps to be filled in future research.

Manuscript submitted to the journal overlooking the above-mentioned issues (styles and formats) will be subject to rejection, irrespective of its merit, without further request for edition and possible re-submission.

EJES Author Guidelines; Copyright © 2020. All Rights Reserved.

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 1998-8907
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