
The Ethiopian Journal of Development Research (EJDR) is a bi-annual journal devoted to the multi-disciplinary study of development problems of Ethiopia in particular and the less developed world in general. Established in 1973, the Journal has been in publication for the last 33 years. The publication covers wide areas of the development process and it is published by the Institute of Development Research. The Journal publishes book reviews, analytical papers, synopsis of major researches, dissertation abstracts, both theoretical and methodological approaches in the general areas of development issues.


Procedures of Article Evaluation in EJDR Publication

1.         Manuscripts are first submitted to the Managing Editor of EJDR.

2.         Manuscripts are registered in the check-list and will be given serial number.`

3.         The authors are acknowledged for submission.

4.         Manuscripts are presented to the Editorial Board for Preliminary Assessment   as to the relevance of the theme. The Board, composed of scholars in the field of development research drawn from various faculties and institutions of Addis Ababa University, will screen the manuscripts and decide for possible consideration in the EJDR publication.

5.         In accordance with the Board’s decision, manuscripts are sent to three anonymous reviewers / referees of EJDR who have thorough understanding of the theme/topic and specialized in the proposed area. The reviewers will critically evaluate the manuscripts, whether they meet the standard requirements of a reputable journal.

6.         Reviewed manuscripts are received and the Editorial Board reviews the referees’ comments and will decide on the status of the manuscript.

7.         The decision of the Editorial Board will be communicated to the respective authors through the Editor / Managing Editor.

            i.   If the Editorial Board decides the manuscripts are not of acceptable standard for

                  EJDR publication, the rejected manuscripts will be sent back to the Authors.

            ii.   If the manuscript meets the required standard, the author is further requested to revise the

                   manuscript according to the comments suggested.

8.         After revision, the author will send back the manuscripts to the Editor / Managing Editor.

9.         The Editorial Board will reevaluate the revised manuscripts as to whether the           revisions were made in accordance with the referees’ comments. Then, the Board will give its final decision on the publication of the manuscripts.

10.       Respective Authors will be notified of the decision of the Board through the Editor/Managing Editor.

              i.  Authors whose revised manuscripts were finally accepted will be notified  when their   

                   manuscripts are to be issued/published, including the volume and the Journal Number. The

                  authors are also required to make a  final proof-read before the manuscripts are sent to


            ii.  Authors whose revised manuscripts were rejected will have their manuscripts

                 returned back.

All manuscripts with the required style and format should be submitted to the Managing Editor. Authors are required to use the standard format of EJDR as indicated in “Guide lines for Articles to be Published”. Manuscripts will be considered for publication on the understanding that they have not been previously published and are not simultaneously submitted or published  elsewhere. EJDR publishes only original researches and investigations. This does not refer to papers presented orally at symposia or other proceedings. Two copies of the Journal consisting the author’s articles as well as 10 offprints of the article will be supplied free to the author whose article successfully appeared on publication. The Editorial Board reserves the right of final acceptance, rejection and editorial correction of papers submitted. Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work including changes made by the copy editor. Priority and time of publication are governed by the Editorial Board’s decision.


Style and Format for Contributors    

Before submitting the manuscripts for publication in EJDR, authors are required to follow the following styles and formats which are widely used in academic journals in the Social Sciences.

1. Title Page

1.1.      The following shall appear on the Title Page :

                        a. the full title of the articles;

                        b. the name(s) of the author(s);

                        c. the titles(s), academic position(s) of the author(s) referred to at the bottom  of the

                           page with the use of an asterisk;

                        d. the study period;

                        e. full address of the author (institutions, postal address, telephone, e-mail etc.,                                  for correspondence);

                        f. other relevant information such as if the paper was presented at a meeting or  is                              part of a series study, should be noted at the end of the manuscript.

1.2.      The degree of Authors contribution

            It is the responsibility of the authors to declare the degree of contribution made by each of     

            them. Normally, the following rule hall apply;

                        1.2.1    Equal contribution is presumed when the names are written in alphabetical

                                     order; or

                        1.2.2.   The degree of contribution shall be determined by the order in which the

                                    names appear, unless indications are given by the authors to the contrary.

1.3.      All correspondences will be made with the author whose name appears first (unless indicated otherwise).

2.         Length of an Article

            The manuscript should :

            2.1.      have an abstract not exceeding 100 words

            2.2.      be typewritten, double spaced on one side of A4 paper and should have liberal                              margins (left, right, top & bottom).

            2.3.      not exceed 40 pages. But, longer articles are also acceptable.

3.         Citation and References

3.1.      All materials, referred to or quoted must be acknowledged. Plagiarism is illegal and


3.2.      Direct quotations should be as short as possible and should be reproduced exactly in

            all details (spelling, punctuation and paragraphing).

            3.2.1.   Short quotes should be placed in a quotation marks.

            3.2.2.   Long quotations should appear indented and centered in the text without                           quotation marks.

3.3.      References in the text should read as follows :

 *         Brown (1975: 63) has argued that the ...


*          One economist (Brown 1975: 63) has argued that ...

Use “et al.” when citing  work by more than two authors.

Example: A new treaties (Goody et al. 1976) suggests ...

The letters a, b, c, and so on should be used to distinguish citations of different works by the same author in the same year. Example: Brown insist (1985a, 1985c) that ...

3.4.      Essential notes should be indicated by consecutive superscript numbers in the text and collected on a separate page at the end of the text, titled Notes. Keep such numbered notes to a minimum. We shall not use “foot-notes”, i.e., notes at the bottom of the page, but “end-notes”.

            Numbered notes should be used to make clarifications about the references used, to include points left out in the text, to add some items which readers may want to know. If your citations or references in the text are too long, or consist of more than three names, it may be advisable to put them in the Notes at the end.

3.5.      All references cited in the text and other supporting material should be listed alphabetically by author in a section titled References or Bibliography and appearing after Notes. Ethiopian authors should be listed alphabetically by first name. Shiferaw Bekele, for example, should be listed under S and not under B. The same holds for Chinese names. Write out Ethiopian names in full in the bibliography (i.e., first and second names) as they are given in the publications you are citing. Do not abbreviate, for instance, as Shiferaw B.  In the text, references may use first names only, or full names. Avoid as much as possible using honorific titles such as Ato, Wzro, Dr, etc., in citations or references.

            The followings are examples of different entries


3.6.      Articles in Journals:

3.6.1.   Alemayegu Lirenso 1988, Food Aid and Agricultural Production in Ethiopia,     Ethiopian  Journal of Development Research, 10, 1:59-90.

3.6.2.   Cowley, R. 1967, The Standardization of Amharic spelling, Journal of

            Ethiopian  Studies, V. 2: 1-8.

Note:   The volume and issue numbers should be entered as they are given in the journals cited, i.e., if the numbers are in Roman or Arabic numerals, they should not be changed.

3.7.      Books

3.7.1    Bahru Zewde 1991, A History of Modern Ethiopia 1955-1974. London: James


3.7.2.   Clapham, C. 1988, Transformation and Continuity in Revolutionary Ethiopia.

            Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

3.7.3.   Donham, D. and Wendy James (eds.) 1096, The Southern Marches o Imperial        Ethiopia. Cambridge:     Cambridge University Press.

            Listing of several works by the same author should be by year of publication, the

            earlier work preceding the recent. Here is an example :

3.7.4.   Levine, Donald 1965, Wax and Gold: Tradition and Innovation in Ethiopian Culture.

           Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

3.7.5.   ___________ 1974, Greater Ethiopia: The Evolution of Multiethnic Society.

            Chicago: University of  Chicago Press.

3.8.      Contributions in Books:

3.8.1.   Wood, Adrian P. 1982, Spontaneous Agricultural Resettlement in Ethiopia 1950-1974.     In J. Clarks             and L. Konsinski (eds.), Redistribution of Population in Africa, pp. 1150-82, London, Heinemann.

3.9.      Contributions in Proceedings :

3.9.1.   Taddesse Tamirat 1984, Feudalism in Heaven and on Earth: Ideology and Political Structure in Mediaeval Ethiopia. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, University of Lund 26-29 April 1982, pp. 195-200, S. Rubenson (ed.), Addis Ababa, Institute of Ethiopian Studies.

3.10.    Conference Papers :

3.10.1. Hyden, H. 1990, Ideology and the Social Sciences: The African Experience. Paper

             presented at the OSSREA Social Science Conference, 8-10 May, Kampala, Uganda.

3.11. Unpublished works:

3.11.1. Messing, S. 1957, The Highland-Plateau Amhara of Ethiopia. Ph.D. dissertation,               University of Pennsylvania.

3.11.2. Alula Abate et al. 1986, Evaluation of the Impact of UNICEF-Assisted Water Supply Projects in Bale, Harerge, Shewa and Wello - Ethiopia. Programme Cycle 1980-1983. Research Report No. 30, Institute of Development Research, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa.

3.12.    Official Publications:

3.12.1. Central Statistical Office 1975, Results of the National Sample Survey Second

             Round, Vol. V. Land             Area and Utilization. Addis Ababa.

3.12.2. World Bank 1973, Agricultural Sector Survey, Vol. I, The General Report. Report   

            No. PA-143a. Washington: World Bank [Note: this is a report, not a book, so the

            title is not underlined].


3.12.3. ________ 1989, Sub-Saharan Africa: From Crisis to Sustainable Growth:

            Washington: World Bank.  

3.13.    Chapter Headings:

            Major chapter headings must be centered on the page . Sub-headings must be aligned with

            the left margins.

3.14.    Tables and Figures :

            Should have short titles. All footnotes to tables and all sources should be placed under the tables. Tables and figures should be used to supplement the text but not to duplicate it. Unnecessary and lengthy tables and figures are discouraged.

3.15.    Abbreviations :

            Avoid use of dots in all familiar abbreviations, such as CSA, EEC, FAO, UNESCO, USA.

           But dots should be placed at the end of the followings: e.g., etc., et al.,

3.16.    Language & Spelling Rules :

            English is the Languages of the Journal. All authors must avoid sexist and racist language. Use one form of spelling throughout the text. This should either be American (i.e., according to, for example, WEBESTER’s dictionary) or British spelling  (i.e., according to the OXFORD dictionary). Do not mix the two.

3.17. Responsibility for Views :

            Any statement in an article accepted for publication remain the sole responsibility of the author and should in no way be constructed as reflecting the opinions of the Editors or the Publisher.

3.18. Copyright :

            Authors submitting manuscripts do so on the understanding that if they are accepted for publication, copyright of the articles shall be assigned exclusively to the publisher.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0378-0813
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