The study investigated the influence of parenting styles on adolescents’ delinquency. 404 sample sizes were used for the study. 6 research questions and 6 research hypotheses were designed and formulated for the purpose of the study. Regression statistic was used for the analyses of the study. Irrespective of gender, location and age, the results of the analyses show that lassair-faire parenting style effectively predicts adolescents’ delinquency while authoritarian and authoritative did not. Parents who are positively oriented in their styles (demandingess and responsiveness) will make their adolescents socially competent and goal – directed. Parents who exerted control and monitored adolescent activities and promoted self-autonomy were found to have the most positive effects on adolescents’ behaviour. Uninvolving parents and also non responsive to adolescents needs had negative impacts on their behaviour.
Key Words: Parenting Styles, Adolescents, Delinquency