The status of the Nigerian educational system at the moment is unenviable. It is low in quality and standard, limited in its reach and disturbing in its future. There have been some deliberate attempt/efforts by government to redress the declining fortune of the educational system. Some International donor agencies, like UNICEF, the World Bank, UNESCO, and DFID are also collaborating with government at all levels with a view to coming up with a holistic approach in addressing educational concerns. The intention of this paper is to enhance debates on how to redress past mistakes and unintended failures within the Nigerian education policies, programmes and provisions. The paper is of the view that Nigeria requires a system that will insulate education from unnecessary politicization. Education formulation and policy consideration should be for the good of all. The paper is also of the view that there is need for a holistic reorientation, re-engineering and re-branding of education, especially teacher training and recruitments, if effective quality of education is to be achieved in Nigeria. Government should also ensure that all reports, pronouncements and positions canvassed by educational accreditation, visitations and probe panels are implemented.
Key Words: Education, Minimum academic standard; Politicization of education; Quality, Teacher recruitment.