The study investigated the relationship between counselling, vocational interest and socio-economic status on re-entry of girls into schools in Edo State. The research design adopted was co-relational because it sought to establish the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. One research hypothesis was formulated to guide this study. Four research instruments were used: they are the instrument on counselling, the modified Bakare Vocational Interest Inventory, the instrument on socio-economic status of parents and the instrument on reasons for re-entry into school by girls. Three continuing education schools were randomly selected for the study. Three hundred and twenty girls who re-enrolled in these schools were used for the study. Data was analysed using multiple regression analysis method. Results showed that there is a significant relationship between counselling, vocational interest and socio-economic status of parents on re-entry of girls into school. It is recommended that counselling services should be provided for girls who have dropped out of school with a view to getting them back into the school system. Vocational guidance should be taught in schools and more income generating projects should be put in place by government and non-governmental agencies to improve the living standard of the people.
Key Words: Counselling, Vocational Interest, Socioeconomic Status, Re-entry, Girls, School