This study was a quasi-experimental research aimed at modifying sexual behaviour of secondary school adolescents. The effect which the mediating variable of school type has on the sexual behaviour of secondary school adolescents was also assessed. The study made use of a sample of one hundred and seventy three (173) senior secondary school two (SS 2) adolescents from three schools, one all boys’, one all girls and one co-educational. These were distributed into experimental and control groups in each school. Three hypotheses were formulated. The findings show that there was significant difference between the experimental and control groups in favour of the experimental group in modifying sexual behaviour of adolescent students at post-test. There was significant school type effect on the sexual behaviour of adolescents at post-test. The post-hoc analysis showed that treatment was significant when sexual behaviour of mixed and all girls’ schools are considered with the impact of treatment being more significant in the mixed school. Based on these findings, it was concluded that life skills training is effective in modifying sexual behaviour of secondary school adolescents. It was therefore recommended that; life skills training should be emphasized in the national sexuality curriculum, and can be made to apply to other areas of youth behaviour for example, drug use.
Key Words: Sexual behaviour, Adolescents, School type, Modifying behaviour, Education