Study on population status, socio-economic importance and threats of gum- and resin-producing plant species was made in Borena, South Wollo, (Ethiopia). After reconnaissance survey of the area, three kebeles were selected and studied. For each site, transect lines were systematically laid down in North-South compass direction. Along each transect line quadrates having a size of 20 m x 20 m (400 m2) were laid at 400 m distance. From all study sites, a total of 60 quadrates were sampled. A total of 14 gum- and resin-bearing plant species representing seven families were recorded. Five of them were known to produce currently traded gum and incense. Diversity study showed the existence of more representative stands (species) at Mendeyu (H’= 2.58) than Beta Menedega (H’=2.38) and Wobo (H’= 2.17). To assess the socio-economic importance and threats encountered by the species, a total of 40 households were selected and interviewed. The survey revealed strong attachment of the local community to the gum- and resin-producing plant species. The community used the plants for construction, fodder preparation, fuel wood, charcoal, making household furniture, farm tools, fumigation, body lotion and medicine. The awareness for commercial use, however, was very low, which means the income generated from these species by the local households is very minimal. Hence, encouraging the local community to collect gum and resin for commercial purpose is necessary. Also such encouragement should be integrated with other activities such as livestock rearing and crop farming.
Keywords/phrases: District, Gum, Importance, Population status, Resin, Socio-economic
Ethiop. J. Biol. Sci., 10(1): 39-55, 2011