The present study documents diet and activities of pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis) in Lake Hora Arsedi, Debrezeit. Data were collected from March to August in 2009 using focal and scan sampling methods. Repeated observations were administered to collect data on foraging behaviour of the pied kingfisher. Activity patterns including feeding, calling, perching, preening, flying, hovering, diving and scanning were followed. Fish constituted the diet of pied kingfishers for 92.2% and 90.2% (in percentage frequency) during the dry and wet seasons, respectively. There was significant difference (F1 49 = 3.86, P < 0.05) in the type of food consumed during the wet season. The type of food consumed was also significantly different (F1 49 = 0.11, P < 0.05) during the dry season. Pied kingfishers were observed spending most of their time on perching sites having height of 1-5 m during wet (73.3%) and dry (76.5%) seasons. Perching activity consisted of the largest proportion (35.3%) during the wet season, whereas, it was 21.27% during the dry season. Further ecological studies on pied kingfishers should be conducted to know more about the animal and facilitate conservation measures in the study area.
Keywords/phrases: Activity pattern, Diet, Lake Hora Arsedi, Pied kingfisher
Ethiop. J. Biol. Sci., 9(2): 117-125, 2010