Diurnal activity patterns of Walia Ibex (Capra ibex walie) were carried out in Simien Mountains National Park between September 2004 and February 2005 by selecting two sites (Site-I and II). Focal sampling technique and direct observations were used to collect the data. Peaks in daily activity occurred near sunrise and sunset in both sites. The proportions of time budget varied between the sites. Feeding accounted for more than 51.3% and 44.1% in site-I and II, respectively. Despite the variation in percentage, two-sample t-test comparison of the mean for the two areas showed no significant difference (p=0.306) and the active hours of the two sites correlated (r=0.818). At 0.05 level, the two-sample t-test indicated lying (p=0.023), walking (p=0.001) and vigilance (p=0.001) showed significant difference in the diurnal time budget spent. These results indicate the degree of Walia Ibex fearfulness towards people.
Keywords/phrases: Activity pattern, Capra ibex walie, Simien Mountains National Park
Ethiop. J. Biol. Sci., 8(2): 135-144, 2009