The study was designed with the objectives of assessing the pollen yielding plant species and to establish, the flowering phenology of bee plants. Pollen was collected from the zander beehives using the pollen trap fitted to the entrance of beehives for two years. The pollen was identified using light microscope with a 400x magnification. The nutritive analysis was made for total nitrogen, protein and mineral for bee collected pollen at Holeta Agricultural Research Center soil and plants laboratory. Fifty eight plant species were identified as a source of nectar and pollen or pollen, of which 27 plant species were the major pollen source plants in the area. Nutritional analysis indicated that pollen from Andropogon abyssinicus, Cyanotis barbata, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Eucalyptus globulus, Justicia ladanoides, Justicia schimperiana, and Trifolium spp. were high in protein. Menagesha Suba State Forest was found to be rich in pollen and nectar source plants and therefore integration of beekeeping with forest conservation program is highly recommended for sustainable utilization of this forest.
Keywords/phrases: Menagesha, Pollen, Protein, Vegetation
Ethiop. J. Biol. Sci., 8(2): 85-97, 2009