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Comparative immunomudulating effects of five orally administrated bifidobacteria species in male albino rats
B.adolescentis (adult-type bifidobacteria) induced a significant increase in pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion (IL-1, IL-4, IL-12 and TNF-alpha) relative to B.breve and B.infantis (infanttype
bifidobacteria). B.bifidum, B.longum and B.adolescentis induced significantly high levels of the anti-inflammatory IL-10. B.adolescentis stimulated and increased the release of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, glutathione and catalase), and also stimulated secretion of high levels of total serum Ig. All studied bifidobacteria species, particularly B. adolescentis, caused significant reduction of the number of the pathogenic bacteria. In conclusion, B. adolescentis is superior to
the other studied species of bifidobacteria in enhancing immune parameters.