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Natural and propagated algal flora isolated from El-Fayum Governorate
A total of 98 taxa (69 aquatic, 29 edaphic) of algae were isolated and identified from water and soil samples collected in El-Fayum governorate. Aquatic taxa were made up of Bacillariophytes (33 taxa), Cyanophytes (20) and Chlorophytes (16), while soil taxa consisted of Cyanophytes (16 taxa), Chlorophytes (8), Bacillariophytes (4) and one euglenoid taxon. Diversity increased under culturing and propagation with artificial nutritive media, particulary cyanophytes (by 18 taxa) and chlorophytes (by 7 taxa). Bacillariophytes dominated in Qarun Lake, perhaps because of the high silicate content; Qarun Lake had
low diversity of chlorophytes and cyanophytes, perhaps because of the high levels of electrical conductivity and Na+. The greatest numbers of chlorophytes were associated with high Mg++ content. Edaphic pH values were slightly alkaline to alkaline. Soil algal flora were commonest in samples from the Wadi El-Rayan road, characterized by high silt and clay fractions.
Keywords: Qarun lake; Wadi El-Rayan; Egypt.
Egyptian Journal of Biology Vol. 10 2008: pp. 54-61