Azza Awad
Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University
Salah Abdel-Salam
Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University
Refat Abou El-Ela
Entomology Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University
Abdel-Aal Abdel-Aal
Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University
Doaa Mohamed
Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University
Because of its considerable medical and veterinary importance, first and third larval instars of Parasarcophaga argyrostoma were examined by scanning electron microcsope. In the cephalic region, the antennal-maxillary sensory complex, multiple types of sensilla (styloconic and basiconic) are described and compared with respect to differences in the sensory requirements of both instars. This study also deals with the ultrastructure of different sensilla (basiconic, trichoid, and coeloconic) located on the thoracic and abdominal body segments of both larval instars. Sensilla numbers, types, sizes and locations of the antennal-maxillary sensory complex were different in the two instars. The anterior and posterior spiracles of the third instar larvae are also described.
KEY WORDS: Diptera, Parasarcophaga argyrostoma, morphology, immature stage.
Egyptian Journal of Botany Vol.5 2003: 148-154