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Assessment of Varietal Replacement Rate for Major Crops in Central Ethiopia

Lemma Zemedu
Endeshaw, Habte
Aklilu Nigussie
Solomon Abiy


Improved seed is one of the key agricultural technologies that can significantly enhance crop productivity. Several varieties of major cereal crops (tef, bread wheat, and durum wheat) and pulse crops (chickpea and lentil) have been released through national agricultural research systems in Ethiopia. This study aimed to assess the degree of these varietal replacement for major crops grown in central Ethiopia. This study generated information from a data collected from two districts (Gimbichu and Lume) of East Shewa zone, a total of randomly selected seven kebeles and 234 sample respondent farm households interviewed face-to-face during 2020/21 cropping season. Area weighted average variety age (AWAVA) in years was calculated in aggregate for both districts by considering total area of improved varieties for all major crops and found 11.03 (Tef), 8.49 (durum wheat), 10.71 (bread wheat), 15.48 (lentil) and 21.3 (chickpea). Almost all varieties currently under-production for all major crops aged more than ten years. The result highlighted the extent to which older varieties dominate production, potentially impacting productivity and resilience. Hence, the older age of varieties under production demands an immediate solution in dessimination of recently released improved varieties seed and release of a new variety that has pest resistance and high-yielding attributes than those under current production.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2415-2382
print ISSN: 0257-2605