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Cost and Benefit Analysis of Dairy Farms in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia

Samuel Diro
Wudineh Getahun
Abiy Alemu
Mesay Yami
Tadele Mamo
Takele Mebratu




ይህ ጥናት የወተት ላም የወጪ-ገቢ ትንተና ለማድረግ የታቀደ ነዉ፡፡ ጥናቱ ከ35 ትናንሽ እና 25 ትላልቅ የወተት ፋርሞች ላይ የተደረገ ነዉ፡፡ መረጃዉ ከአራት እስከ ስድስት ተከታታይ ወራት የተሰበሰበ ስሆን ይህን መረጃ ለማጠናከር የወተት ፋርሞች መልካም አጋጣሚዎችና ተግዳሮቶች ተሰብስቧል፡፡ መረጃዉ የተሰበሰበዉ ፋርሙ ዉስጥ ካሉት ሁሉም የዲቃላ የወተት ላሞች ነዉ፡፡ የዚህ ምርምር ግኝት እንደሚያመለክተዉ 80 ፐርሰንት የሚሆነዉ የወተተወ ላሞች ወጪ ምግብ ነዉ፡፡ ትናንሽ ፋርሞች ከትላልቅ ፋርሞች 35 ፐርሰንት የበለጠ ወጪ ያወጣሉ፤ ነገር ግን ትላልቅ ፋርሞች ከትናንሽ ፋርሞች በ55 ፐርሰንት የበለጠ ዓመታዉ ትቅም ያገኛሉ፡፡ ትልቁ የወተት ላሞች ገቢ ከወተት ስሆን የጥጃ ገቢም በተከታይነት ትልቅ ቦታ የሚሰጠዉ ነዉ፡፡ በዚህ ጥናት ግኝት መሰረት የትላልቅ ፋርሞች ያልተጣራ ማርጂን ከትናንሽ ፋርሞች በሦስት እጥፍ እንደሚበልጥ ተረጋግጧል፡፡ የጥቅም-ወጪ ንፅፅር 1.43 እና 2.24 ለትናንሽና ለትላልቅ የወተት ፋርሞች በቅድመ ተከተል እንደሆነ ጥናቱ ያመለክታል፡፡ ይህም ትላልቅ ፋርሞች ከትናንሽ ፋርሞች የበለጠ ትርፋማ እንደሆኑ ያሚያሳይ ነዉ፡፡ የማስፋፍያ መሬት እጥረት፣ የብድር አገልግሎት አለመኖር፣ የሞያዊ ድጋፍ አለመኖር፣ የመኖና የመድሃኒት ዋጋ ንረት፣ ከፍተኛ የወት ዋጋ መለያየት፣ የማዳቀል አገልግሎት ዉጤታማ ያለመሆን፣ የጽንስ መጨናገፍ በፋርሞቹ ባለቤቶች የተነሱ ተግዳሮቶች ናቸዉ፡፡ በዚህ መሰረት ምርታማነታቸዉ ዝቅተኛ የሆኑትን ላሞች ማስወገድ፤ የላሞች ቁጥር ማብዛት፣ በስልጠና የፋርሞቹን ባለቤቶችና የማዳቀል አገልግሎት የሚሰጡትን አካላት ማብቃትና የገብያ ትስስር ማጠናከር፣ አርሶ-አደሩን በመደራጀት የመኖ ማቀነባበርያ መትከል አስፈላጊ እንደሆነ ይህ ጥናት ምክረሃሳብ ያቀርባል፡፡



This study was conducted to estimate costs and gross profits of dairy farms under small and large diary management in central highlands of Ethiopia. Thirty-five small and 25 large farms were randomly selected. Quantitative data was collected from sampled households/farms for six to seven consecutive months. Qualitative data was also collected to supplement the quantitative data. All crossbreed milking cows of the sample households were included for the study. The result of the study showed that small commercial farms disbursed 38% more cost than large commercial dairy farms. More than 80% of the variable costs went to feed in both small and large dairy farms. The result also revealed that large dairy farms earned 55% more annual revenue than small farms. The larger revenue share was from milk sale followed by calf sale for both large and small dairy farms. The gross margin of large dairy farms was higher than the small counterparts by more than three folds. The benefit-cost ratio was 1.43 and 2.24 for small and large dairy farms, respectively, implying that large dairy farms are more profitable than small dairy farms. The benefits from both small and large dairying indicated that dairying is a beneficial business. Shortage of land, lack of credit, lack of technical support, lack of adequate market outlet, inefficiency of AI services, abortion, high price of feed and medicine were identified as the main constraints of dairy farming. It is suggested that the need to establish feed processing machines, cull unproductive cows, empower dairy farmers and key service providers through training, promoting, complementary technology packages and market infrastructures.      

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2415-2382
print ISSN: 0257-2605
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