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Response of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) to Indigenous Rhizobial Isolates Inoculation on Vertisol of Central Ethiopian Highland

Abere Mnalku
Getahun Mitiku


እንደሽምብራ የመሳሰለትን የጥራጥሬ ሰብሎችን በሃገር-በቀል ልይት ራይዞቢያ መክተብ ምርታማና ትርፋማ ያደርጋል፡፡ ምዕራብ ሸዋ፣ ደንዲ ወረዳ ውስጥ ጊንጪ ላይ የተሇያዩ ሃገር-በቀል ልይት ራይዞቢያዎች በሽምብራ ምርትና አባላተ-ምርት ላይ የሚኖራቸውን ተጽዕኖ ሇማጥናት በ2008 እና 2009 የምርት ዘመናት የመስክ ሙከራ ተካሂዷል፡፡ ሇጥናቱም ስምንት ልይት ራይዞቢያዎች ማሇትም CP-5፣ CP-7፣ CP-9፣ CP-10፣ CP-11፣ CP-17፣ CP-100 እና EAL-004 ከ 18 ኪ.ግ. ናይትሮጅን በሄክታር እና ናይትሮጅን-አልባ ማወዳደሪያዎች ጋር ተወዳድረዋል፡፡ ጥናቱም በንስብ ምለዕ ብሎክ ንድፍ መሰረት መሬት ላይ ያረፈ ሲሆን እያንዳንዱ ትሪትመንት ሶስት ድግግሞሽ ነበረው፡፡ ውጤቱም አዎንታዊ የሽምብራ ምርት ምላሽ እንዳሇ ያመሇክታል፡፡ ዝንቡጠ-ተክል ቁጥር፣ ገጸ-ምድር ደረቅ ክቡደ-ህይወት እና እህል ምርት በራይዞቢያ በአዎንታዊነት አጥጋቢ ጭማሪ አሳይተዋል፡፡ በመሆኑም CP-17 ልይት ራይዞቢያ ከ18 ኪ.ግ. ናይትሮጅን በሄክታር እና ከናይትሮጅን-አልባ ጋር ሲወዳደር በ5 እና 10 በመቶ፣በቅ/ተከተል የእህል ምርት ብልጫ አሳይቷል፡፡ የከፊል ባጀት ትንተና ውጤት የሚያሳየውም ይሄው ልይት ራይዞቢያ ሽምብራ ዘር ላይ ሲከተብ የምጣኔ-ህዳግ ትርፉ በአንጻራዊነት ከፍተኛ መሆኑን ነው፡፡ ስሇሆነም CP-17 ልይት ራይዞቢያ የማረጋገጫ ስራ ተሰርቶሇት በደንዲ ወረዳ አካባቢ ጥቅም ላይ እንዲውል ይመከራል፡፡

A field experiment was conducted at Vertisol of Ginchi, Dandi district, West Shewa, Ethiopia during 2015/16 and 2016/17 cropping seasons to study the effect of different indigenous rhizobial isolates on the yield and yield components of chickpea. Eight rhizobial isolates (CP-5, CP-7, CP-9, CP-10, CP-11, CP-17, CP-100, and EAL-004), one positive control (18 kg N ha-1) and one negative control (no fertilizer source) were the treatments. The treatments were laid in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Results indicated positive response of chickpea grain yield to rhizobial isolate inoculations. The number of pod per plant, above ground dry biomass and grain yield were positively (P ≤ 0.05) altered by the inoculation. Inoculation of rhizobial isolate CP-17 showed a 5 and 10% grain yield increment over 18 kg N/ha and negative control treatments, respectively. The partial budget analysis result showed that application of CP-17 gave the highest marginal rate of return (MRR). Therefore, the rhizobial inoculant CP-17 can be verified and recommended for wider use of chickpea production at Dandi area.

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eISSN: 2415-2382
print ISSN: 0257-2605
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