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Agro-Climate Based Pedogenetic Assessment of Soils in Kulumsa Subwatershed, Arsi, Ethiopia

Alemu Kebede
Bobe Bedadi
Abayneh Esayas




ማንኛውም አፈር የአካባቢ ሁኔታዎች በአሇት ሊይ በሚፈጥሩት መጠነ-ሰፊ የተቀናጀ ተፅዕኖ ውጠት በመሆኑ በዓሇማችን ሊይ በሺህ የሚቆጠሩ የአፈር ዓይነቶች ይኖራለ፡፡ የአፈር አፈጣጠር ጥናት ዯግሞ ይኼንን እጅግ ስፋት ያሇውን መረጃ አቀናጅቶ ሥርዓት በማስያዝ ሇአፈር ጥናትና ስያሜ አሰጣጥ ያግዛሌ፡፡ በዚህም መሰረት በቁለምሳ ወንዝ ተፋሰስ ሊይ በባሇ 150000 ሚዛን የአካባቢውን የገፀ-ምድር ካርታን መነሻ በማድረግ በተዯረገው የመስክ ጥናት 19 የአፈር ጥናት ናሙና መውሰጃ ሥፍራዎች ተሇይተውና የጥናት ጉድጓዶች ተቆፍረው የአፈር ናሙናዎችን በመውሰድና በሊቦራቶሪ በመመርመር የአፈር አፈጣጠር ጥናት ተካሂዶ 10 የአፈር ዓይነቶችን በመሇየት ከመሬት የከፍታ ሌዩነትና ከባህሊዊ የአየር ሁኔታ አመዳዯብ ጋር ያሊቸው ተፈጥሯዊ ግንኙነት ተጠንቷሌ፡፡ የጥናቱ ዉጤት እንዯሚያመሇክተዉ የአፈር ዕድገት፣ የመታጠብ ዯረጃ እና አሲዳማነት ከመሬት ከፍታ ጋር የሚጨምሩ ከመሆናቸው አንፃር በጣም ዝቅተኛ የመታጠብ ዯረጃና በጣም ከፍተኛ አሌካሉንነት ያሊቸዉ ካስተኖ዗ምስ የሚባለ የአፈር ዓይነቶች በዝቅተኛ ወይናዯጋ የአየር ሁኔታ አካባቢ በስምጥ ሸሇቆ ውስጥና በድምበሩ አካባቢ እንዯሚገኙና በተቃራኒው በጣም ከፍተኛ የመታጠብ ዯረጃና በጣም ከፍተኛ አሲዳማነት ያሊቸው ኡምብሪዞሌ የሚባለ የአፈር ዓይነቶች በከፍተኛ ውርጭ አካባቢ በጭሊል ተራራ ሊይ መኖራቸው ታውቋሌ፡፡ በጣም ከፍተኛ የመታጠብ ዯረጃና በጣም ከፍተኛ አሲዳማነት (pH 5.15) ያሊቸውየአፈርዓይነቶችበከፍተኛየጭሊልተራራአካባቢዎችቢኖሩምየእነዚህከፍተኛቦታዎችየአፈርአፈጣጠርሂዯትግንከፍተኛየአፈርማዕድናትመብሊሊትንማስከተሌባሇመቻለዝቅተኛየአሲዳማነትዯረጃባሊቸውአፈሮችውስጥበብዛትየሚገኙየአፈርማዕድናትበብዛትየሚገኙባቸውመሆኑታውቋሌ፡፡ይኼውምሇማዕድናትመብሊሊትከፍተኛአስተዋፅዖየሚያዯርገውሙቀትከመሬትከፍታመጨመርጋርየሚቀንስከመሆኑአንፃርየተከሰተመሆኑይገመታሌ፡፡በሁሇቱተቃራኒየመሬትከፍታስፍራዎች(ዝቅተኛወይናዯጋናከፍተኛውርጭ) መካከሌበሚገኙአካባቢዎች፣በመካከሇኛወይናዯጋቸርኖ዗ምናለቪዞሌ፣በከፍተኛወይናዯጋፕሊኖዞሌናቨርቲዞሌ፣በዝቅተኛዯጋቨርቲዞሌናለቪዞሌ፣በመሃከሇኛዯጋሬቲዞሌስእናበከፍተኛዯጋዯግሞአሉዞሌየተባለየአፈርዓይነቶችበቅዯምተከተሌከዝቅተኛወዯከፍተኛአካባቢተገኝተዋሌ፡፡በአጠቃሊይ፣ከዚህጥናትሇመረዳትእንዯተቻሇውበE.2.03 ዓይነትየዝናብስብጥርክሌሌውስጥየአፈርአፈጣጠርናዕድገትሁኔታከባህሊዊውየኢትዮጵያአርሶአዯሮችየአየርሁኔታአመዳዯብጋርየሚጣጣምሆኖተገኝቷሌ፡፡ቢሆንም፣የበሇጠአስተማማኝመዯምዯሚያሊይሇመድረስላልችየዝናብስብጥርክሌልችንአቀፍየሆነጠሇቅያሇጥናትሉካሄድይገባሌ፡፡


Any particular soil results from the integrated action of soil-forming factors that occur in different kinds and degrees of expression that can be combined in many different ways; so that each combination produces a different soil with its unique properties resulting in the existence of thousands of different soils on earth. Soil genesis brings order to this overwhelming variety of soils aiding their classification. Soils of Kulumsa sub-watershed were surveyed and 19 representative profile locations identified, described, and sampled based on observable site and soil characteristics such as slope, topographic position, vegetation, topsoil color, texture, etc. using a topographic map of 1:50,000 scale as a base map through free survey along altitudinal and latitudinal transects. The sampled 19 pedons were categorized into 10 Reference Soil Groups through pedogenetic assessment; and the relationship of the overall pedogenesis and spatial distribution of the soil groups to altitude and the traditional agro-climates were examined. The pedogenetic assessment of the soils revealed that the degree of weathering and leaching increased with increasing altitude. Accordingly, the least leached and most alkaline Kastanozems in the Lower-Woina-Dega (1800-2100 masl) within the "rift valley" and its border escarpment areas, and the most leached and most acidic Umbrisol in the High-Wurch (>3700 masl) agro-climatic belt on Mount Chillallo, were identified. Even though there were acidic soils with pH as low as 5.15 and very strongly leached profile, the chemical weathering processes appeared to be not Agro-climate based pedogenetic assessment of soils [52]

so intensive when evaluated in terms of their clay mineralogy. The acidic soil profile condition of these high altitude areas seemed not to be in a position to cause an advanced weathering of the high-activity clay minerals, so that they still dominated the clay fraction of the soils. In relation to the traditional agro-climates, from the lowest towards the highest elevation within the study area, the least leached Kastanozems in the Lower-Woina-Dega, Chernozems and Luvisols in the Proper-Woina-Dega (2100-2250 masl), Planosols and Vertisols in the Upper-Woina-Dega (2250-2400) to Lower-Dega (2400-2550 masl),Vertisols and Luvisols in Lower-Dega, Retisols in the Dega-Proper (2550-3000 masl), Umbric Alisols in the Upper-Dega (3000-3200 masl) and Hyperdystric Umbrisols in the High-Wurch (>3700 masl) agro-climatic belt, were the dominant soil groups. In inference, the results of the pedogenetic assessment denoted that the trend in pedogenesis and the spatial distribution of the soil groups was generally in concurrence with the traditional agro-climatic classification used by the Ethiopian farmers in the E.2.03-type Rainfall Pattern Region of the Arsi-Highlands. However, this needs more detailed investigations that include the other Rainfall Pattern Regions of Arsi and of the country as well for more reliable conclusion.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2415-2382
print ISSN: 0257-2605
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