Seven genotypes were evaluated under rainfed conditions at seven different locations across northwestern Ethiopia with the objectives of investigating phenotypic performance, determining the magnitude of effect of genotypes, environments, and their interactions on important traits and identifying stable malting barley genotype. The highest mean grain yield was recorded at Geregera followed by Debretabor but the lowest at Motta and Burie. Among the genotypes Miscale-21 gave the highest mean grain yield followed by HB-1533. Miscale-21 and Arna provided high kernel protein whereas HB-1533 the least. High thousand kernel weight and hectoliter weight was obtained at Laygaint,, whereas Adet was the least with regard to these traits. Miscale-21 and HB-1533 had high thousand kernel and hectoliter weight. All genotypes fulfill the requirements for germination capacity. Furthermore, G x E interaction was significant for grain yield. Partitioning of the G x E interaction using AMMI showed the first IPCA axis alone explained most of the sum of squares. Moreover, the biplot of AMMI revealed clear insight into the specific and general adaptation of genotype across locations. According to stability analysis measures genotype HB-1533 was the most stable for grain yield whereas Miscale-21 showed specific adaptation in low potential environments.