Twenty accessions of five vetch species were evaluated for agronomic and nutritional attributes at Holetta and Ginchi in the central highlands of Ethiopia during 2009 main cropping season. The experiment was conducted in randomized complete block design with three replications. Most measured parameters revealed significant P<0.05) difference between the treatments and locations. Vicia narbonensis and Vicia sativa were erect, short plant height and early maturing for both forage and seed yields, while Vicia dasycarpa, Vicia villosa and Vicia stropurpurea have creeping growth habit, tall plant height and intermediate to late maturity for forage and seed yields. Taller species gave better forage dry matter yield while early maturing species have higher seed yield and thousand seed weight and the difference between the highest and the lowest was 0.4 and 0.9 t/ha for seed yield and 178.7 and 199.7g for thousand seed weight at Holetta and Ginchi respectively. Among vetch species, Vicia dasycarpa have higher crude protein and digestibility but lower fiber contents. Correlation analysis indicated that forage dry matter yield was positively associated with days to forage and seed harvests, plant height, crude protein and digestibility. The result of this study is important for mixed cropping with food crops.
Keywords: vetch species, accessions, genetic variation, agronomic trait, nutritional trait