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The dynamics of TseTse Fly in and around intensive suppression area of Southern Tsetse Eradication Project Site, Ethiopia

Temesgen Zekarias
Berisha Kapitano
Solomon Mekonnen
Girma Zeleke


This study was carried out in and around intensive suppression area of the Southern Tsetse Eradication Project in Gamo Goffa Zone, Southern Nations, Nationalities and people`s Region of Ethiopia. Assessment of the dynamics of the vector tsetse was done by entomological survey between December-Jan, 2008 (dry season) and April-May, 2009 (wet season) in and around the intensive suppression area of the project site. The entomological survey revealed the presence of Glossinapallidipes as the only Glossina species in the study area. Total catch of flies were 95 and zero with averages of apparent densities of 1.6 and zero flies per trap per day during dry and wet seasons, respectively in ISA and a total catch of 8417 and 2028 with averages of apparent densities of 280.6 and 67.6 flies per trap per day in dry and wet seasons, respectively in Nech Sar National Park. In conclusion, results of seasonal and spatial dynamics of tsetse flies in intensive suppression areas and Nech Sar National Park, would be useful in planning an eradication program in the project area. Large population of tsetse flies in the Nech Sar National Park poses a risk of reinvasion and the uncontrolled animal movements in the project area may challenge the efficiency of the project.Generally continuous control and monitoring activities in the project area should be evaluated periodically and effectiveness of each control measures in specified sites must be seen in a favor of eradication program.The study would help in dynamic approach of the project planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

Keywords: Apparent density, Cattle, Intensive Suppression Area, Nech Sar National Park, Tsetse dynamics.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2415-2382
print ISSN: 0257-2605