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The Dynamics of Trypanosomosis in and around Intensive Suppression Area in Southern TseTse Eradication Project Site, Ethiopia
Southern Tsetse Eradication Project in Gamo Goffa Zone, Southern Nations,
Nationalities and people`s Region of Ethiopia. Assessment of the dynamics of the disease trypanosomosis was done by epidemiological surveys between December-Jan, 2008 (dry season) and April-May, 2009 (wet season). For epidemiological study bovine blood samples were collected from 700 animals and parasitological examination was carried out by dark ground/phase contrast buffy coat technique. Two species of trypanosomes namely Trypanosomacongolense and Trypanosomavivax were identified. The proportions of them were 5.5% and 3.5% in areas of intensive suppression during the dry and wet seasons, and 2.7% and 14% in regular suppression area and uncontrolled area respectively. There was no significant (p>0.05) differences in means of PCV values during the dry
and wet seasons in the intensive suppression areas. However, there was significant (p<0.05) differences in mean PCV values (p<0.05) between regular suppression and uncontrolled areas. In conclusion, results of seasonal and spatial dynamics of trypanosomosis in and around intensive suppression areas would be useful in planning and eradication program in the project area.
Key words: Cattle, Intensive Suppression Area, Prevalence, Trypanosomosis.