Much of the critical activity surrounding J. M. Coetzee’s work focuses on its metafictional complexity, with particular attention being paid to the ethical significance of his methods of authorial self-negation. This article departs from the critical norm by focusing instead on what may be called the persistence of an authorial presence in Coetzee’s writing. It is a persistence that can be traced in Coetzee’s writing about the Karoo farm, and that draws much of its impetus from Romantic gestures of identification with (and self-identification within) the natural environment. I trace the development of such a form of identification in the work of William Wordsworth, before considering its afterlife in Coetzee’s autobiographical fiction (Boyhood, Youth and Summertime). Coetzee’s writing, I argue, brings a new impetus to our understanding of the Romantic ideal of finding a form of integral being through communion with the natural landscape, by situating that ideal in a textual paradigm that is strongly marked by an awareness of its cultural contingency.