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Uncommon complications of Otitis media in a tertiary center: A Case Series

AD Dunmade
OA Afolabi
BJ Adekoya
BS Alabi
S Segun-Busari


Background: The aim is to report cases of unusual and infrequent complication of otitis media in North-central Nigeria, as well as evaluate their outcome. We present 7 case reports of patients with unusual complications from otitis media in our setting.
Case 1: A fifteen year old Yoruba girl presented at the Accident and emergency of our hospital with a 2 week history of left sided ear ache, 10 day history of left sided ear discharge and 3 day history of jaw and neck stiffness. There was a positive history of use of ‘Turari’ locally prepared perfume and application of an ear drop from a local chemist. Caregiver said patient was fully immunized. Examination revealed a young girl, conscious and alert, not pale, anicteric with stiff neck, positive and rigid joints on movement.
Case 2: An 8 year old Yoruba girl presented first to the eye clinic with 2 days history of swelling of the right eye, associated pain, reduction in vision and eyelid swelling without eye discharge or itch. There was a of purulent ear discharge 8 days prior to eye symptoms. No history of trauma was obtained. Examination revealed proptosis with zygomatic abscess extending to the post-auricular. She had incision and drainage with systemic and topical antibiotics for ear dressing. Outcome was uneventful.
Conclusion: The unusual complication of otitis media still occurs in our environment usually due to late presentation and contamination of wound. Prevention is still the best option.


Keywords: Otitis Media, Complications, Otogenic Tetanus, Ophthalmic, Proptosis

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2073-9990
print ISSN: 1024-297X